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Archive for the 'Whole Body Health' Category

Statins – Need to Know Info

Patients frequently obtain chiropractic services for aches and pains associated with their muscles and joints. In fact, some of the most common diagnoses chiropractors make are “sprains and strains” of the neck, back, and extremities. So, how does this fit in with the use of statin medications? Statins are a group of medications frequently prescribed [..]

Smoking – How Does it Relate to Chiropractic?

When patients seek chiropractic care, the focus is on improving ALL aspects of health, not just the presenting complaint of back or neck pain. The “Triangle of Health” is represented by an equilateral triangle where one side represents structure (something that chiropractic SPECIFICALLY manages), chemical (where we look closely at diet and nutrition), and emotional [..]

Diabetes Prevention and Control

Chiropractic is often sought after for managing conditions associated with the nerves, muscles, bones, and joints (or the “neuromusculoskeletal system”), and typically NOT for conditions associated with blood sugar (which is also called dysinsulinism, since insulin controls our blood sugar levels). Insulin controls the level of our blood sugar and is secreted by the endocrine [..]

Feet, Leg Length, and a Stable Foundation

Chiropractic care focuses on treating the whole person and realigning the spine to maximize function and health. This month’s focus is on the feet and how they can have a tremendous effect on the whole body. Let’s take a look!Did you know that the foot consists of 26 bones, 33 joints (20 of which are [..]

Chiropractic and Leg Length

Because the spinal cord is housed by the spine and the exiting nerve roots communicate with the autonomic nerves that basically run our organ function, maintaining alignment of the spine and pelvis is very important to minimize nerve irritation and subsequent health-related problems. The focus of this article is on leg length, its effect on [..]

Chiropractic and ADHD

Traditionally, chiropractic care is associated with treating back and neck pain, as well as other orthopedic conditions involving the arms and legs. However, there is a growing amount of research that chiropractic care can also help many non-musculoskeletal conditions. What, if any, benefits does chiropractic offer for patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? Let’s take a [..]

Chiropractic and Allergy Care: PART 2

Continuing this topic from last month, we are discussing various vitamin, nutriceutical, and dietary approaches that show promise with some published evidence to benefit those of us struggling with allergies.The next herb to consider is: 6) Tinospora cordifolia as this can reduce allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and nasal discharge. 7) Combination allergy supplements [..]

Chiropractic – Balance & Dizziness

Many people seek chiropractic care for low back, mid-back, neck pain, and pain in the extremities, but what about balance and/or dizziness, as they often go together? Can chiropractic management help people suffering from frequent falls due to balance and/or dizziness problems? Let’s take a look! When considering treatment for balance, we must talk about [..]

Chiropractic and Allergy Care: PART 1

Chiropractic has been utilized to treat many ailments, including allergies. Though large-scale, randomized controlled trials are lacking in regards to chiropractic treatments and allergies, case reports and other research show promise. The concept of managing allergies may include diet management and/or a multi-disciplinary approach to obtain optimum outcomes.When a patient presents for chiropractic care, we [..]

Chiropractic and Blood Sugar?

One of the tenets of chiropractic care is to manage the health of and restore function to the patients entering our office, not limited to any one system of the body but rather THE WHOLE PERSON. With this primary care responsibility, knowledge and understanding of the patient who presents with either controlled or uncontrolled blood [..]